Reasons Therapy for Moms is A Gift for All

Are you a mom who's been feeling as if you’re running on empty? You have so much to do but would feel guilty if you stopped to have a moment to yourself? Does it feel like you’re not doing enough for your kids but you’re spending all your time with them? So much mom guilt?

You are not alone.

Image of a mom standing over the crib of a crying baby. Counseling for moms has benefits for the whole family. Get nonjudgmental support for mom guilt from a therapist for moms in Las Vegas, NV 89138. Call today to start therapy for moms in Nevada.

Being a Mom is the Hardest & Most Important Job in the World

Moms are juggling a lot of roles and responsibilities. They are the caretakers, the nurses, the taxi drivers, the cooks, the teachers, the disciplinarians, and so much more. And they are expected to do all of this without complaint and often without sufficient help. It’s a 24/7 job with no holidays, no weekends, and no sick days. It’s no wonder that moms can feel overwhelmed and under-appreciated.

So how can moms keep from burning out? One of the best things a mom can do for herself – and her family – is to make time for self-care.

But Moms Are Oh So Hard on Themselves

Wow, the things we say to ourselves as moms are just harsh sometimes. For example, if you need a breather after arguing with your snarky teenager, your brain may try to whisper that you “could be doing better.” Or when your toddler repeats a curse word that you uttered after spilling coffee, you think “could be better.” All of those darn "shoulds." Your brain is constantly telling you that you aren't good enough, that you should be doing more. You tell yourself that you should just know how to balance all the things and be more patient. While also telling yourself that you shouldn't get so angry or be so tired all the time...

As a therapist for moms I could go on, but I think you get the point. It's enough to make any mom feel overwhelmed. Unfortunately, when we are so hard on ourselves, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and mom guilt. We put unnecessary stress on ourselves which then causes us to feel even more overwhelmed.

Sometimes, Even Moms Need Support

And sometimes, contrary to what your brain may tell you, the demands you have placed on yourself just become impossible to fulfill without support. When you come to therapy for moms, it provides an opportunity to focus on YOU. It’s a chance to talk about how you are really feeling without judgment

Self Care & Counseling for Mom Helps the Whole Family

Image of a family of 4 walking together. As a female therapist in Utah, I can help you face your mom guilt. Whether you are in Salt Lake City, Park City, or somewhere in between in Utah I can help. Call today to start therapy for moms in Utah 84039.

If you're like many moms, when it comes time to take care of yourself, you may feel selfish or that there is no time in the day. You're so busy taking care of everyone else that you've let your own mental health fall by the side.

But now? You realize it’s time for you to get a little help too. That’s where a therapist for moms comes in, to provide you an understanding no judgemental space to focus on YOU. It can be a gift for the whole family. The first step is admitting that taking care of yourself is not selfish but it's actually essential. You are not only worthy of receiving care but you deserve it. Just like you wouldn’t hesitate to take your child to the doctor when they are sick, you shouldn’t hesitate to seek help for yourself.

Benefits of Therapy for Moms

There are so many benefits of therapy for moms. It can help you learn how to cope with stress in a healthy way, work through feelings of mom guilt, and figure out a better balance for your life. It can also give you the tools to deal with difficult emotions, both the ones that come from parenting and those that pop up in other areas of your life.

In counseling for moms, you will have a safe space to talk about whatever is on your mind without judgment. You will be able to vent about all of the frustrations of motherhood and receive guidance and support.

Therapy Can Help You Parent Better

In other words, therapy can help you be a better mom. Therapy can help you learn new skills to cope with your emotions so you don't take them out on your children. Therapy can help you stay calm when everything in your life feels chaotic. You can find your center and stay grounded through the most stressful moments of parenting.

You can model for your children the importance of asking for help when you need it and model the importance of taking care of yourself. And let's not kid ourselves, our children ARE watching us. If you're not taking care of yourself, they internalize that as "normal" adult behavior. But it shouldn't be. You know that self-care and prioritizing mental health should be the norm because that's what you want for your kids someday.

Finding your Joy Again

Image of a woman smiling looking up at the sky. Mom guilt is real but counseling for moms can help in Nevada. Help support your family better by starting therapy for moms in Las Vegas, NV 89144. Reach out to talk to a therapist for moms in Las Vegas.

And most importantly, therapy can help you find joy in your life again. Parenting will always be stressful. But it's also filled with tiny moments that can bring you joy if you're present enough to see them. So go ahead and give yourself the gift of therapy. It's something that your whole family will benefit from.

Moms have one of the hardest jobs in the world. They are responsible for taking care of their children, managing the household, and often working outside the home as well. So, it's no wonder mom's mental health struggles sometimes. But caring for yourself will enable you to care for your entire family.

I understand this struggle as a mom myself, but also as a therapist for moms in Las Vegas and Utah who is wanting to help others. When you participate in therapy as a mom, you'll be gaining the ability to face all the joys and challenges of motherhood with confidence all the while quieting the inner noise so that you can recognize your “triggers” and work them effectively, so you can go from being “reactive mom” to “calm, peaceful mom.”

We all want the best for our children and the best gift is a happier YOU.

Begin Therapy for Moms in Las Vegas, NV

Reaching out to a therapist for moms is a great first step to embracing motherhood with clarity and enjoying more time with your kids without ignoring your own needs in the process. To get started in counseling for moms at Stillpoint Therapy in Las Vegas, NV reach out for a free 20-minute consultation. This way we can be clear about what you are needing out of me as your therapist and what you will need moving forward. Then we will start counseling, where I will make sure to guide you to where you are wanting to be.

Other Services Offered at Stillpoint Therapy in Nevada & Utah

Therapy for moms isn’t the only counseling service I offer at Stillpoint Therapy in Nevada to support women. As a female therapist, I provide life transitions therapy, empty nesters depression treatment, individual therapy for relationship issues, and therapy for breaking relationship patterns. As well as, life coaching, enneagram coaching, anxiety treatment, and stress relief. I look forward to connecting with you and helping you find empowerment and joy.


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