Anxiety Treatment & Stress Relief in Las Vegas, NV



You’re always thinking about the next thing you have to get done or anticipating the next problem to solve. It feels hard to relax.  You feel the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. You’re stressed out…. A LOT.

You feel scared and worried more often than you want to admit. When little things go wrong you can get easily irritated or overreact. Or you might just tune out and shut down completely.  You try your best o stay calm and in control, but it doesn’t always work, and you have moments where you lose it, get angry at someone you love, and then feel guilty.

That’s not who you want to be in the world. 

You wonder how you can possibly handle all the pressure without letting it get to you so much.

How do you find genuine peace when you are going through really tough life challenges?

You’re living everywhere else but here…now…in this moment.

At the end of the day, you just want to feel secure and know everything will be okay.



Are you wondering if what you are experiencing is anxiety? At Stillpoint Therapy, we have seen anxiety take many forms for many different people. Here is a list of some of the most common anxiety symptoms we see in women.

  • You’re always trying to anticipate what’s going to happen or what could happen so you’re not caught unprepared.

  • You worry that you might miss something or mess up something important. This has you always thinking about what else you need to do or remember, or what is the next thing you need to “get on top of”.

  • Feeling depleted and chronically tired with little energy left for you to do things you enjoy.

  • You have this kind of baseline thinking of “ WHEN X, Y, or Z happens THEN I won’t be stressed out or anxious anymore. THEN I can have peace”. But that never happens or if it does, it’s short-lived. There’s always new stuff to get handled, figure out, fix, or overcome.

  • Life feels serious and heavy and you aren’t laughing and enjoying yourself like you use to.

  • You feel like you’re always in your head. This makes you feel disconnected, distant and preoccupied.

If you are experiencing any of these, or any other anxiety symptoms, we can help get you stress relief with anxiety treatment.

Hi, I’m Alisa

I’m an Anxiety Therapist in Las Vegas, Nevada.

We all feel stressed out, worried, or anxious at times.  It’s part of the human experience.  But if you’ve noticed that you’re starting to feel that way more often than not, and it’s restricting your freedom and taking away your peace, please know you DON’T have to live this way.  Life DOESN’T have to feel so heavy and stressful. You CAN find stress relief and live from a place of calm, joy, lightheartedness, and laughter even if you’ve got a lot on your plate or are going through some tough life challenges. As an anxiety therapist, I can help you get there with anxiety treatment.


In Your Work With Me, as an Anxiety Therapist, You’ll Learn To:

  • Ditch the inner control freak so you can enjoy life more freely

  • Understand what’s driving your fear so you can let it go and pursue your dreams without all the angst and worry in the background.

  • Connect to your already always present stillness and inner peace and learn how to navigate life from that place more of the time.


Ready to start Anxiety Treatment in Las Vegas, NV?

At Stillpoint Therapy we want you to know that you don’t have to keep living with those anxiety symptoms that weigh you down. As an anxiety therapist in Las Vegas, I can help you start living from a place of joy and calm. With anxiety treatment, you will find your inner peace. To get started follow these steps:

  1. Contact Me for a free consultation at Stillpoint Therapy.

  2. Have your first meeting with an anxiety therapist.

  3. Start living life more freely!

Other Therapy Services I Offer In Nevada & Utah

At Stillpoint Therapy, I offer several different options to support women both in person in Las Vegas and online throughout Nevada and Utah. I understand that you are exhausted, over-giving- and overworked. That is why I also offer therapy for moms, single, successful woman, and empty-nesters. I also provide individual therapy for relationship issues, spirituality, and life transitions. Additionally, I provide life coaching for women, deep dive sessions, and enneagram coaching.