Spiritual Therapy & Coaching

for the Spiritual Woman

in Las Vegas, NV & Utah

Maybe you’ve always been a little different.

You feel things deeply and see beyond what others see.

You’re a deep thinker and a wise soul with a strong conscience.

You’re sensitive, intuitive, and naturally aware of others’ emotions and energy.

There are lots of moments of joy, love, and bliss in your life


there are some recurring triggers and themes that are taking away your peace of mind.  

Certain people, events, or situations can hurt you deeply and make you get angry and upset or overwhelmed and shut down.

And despite having done lots of work on yourself, the same emotions and reactions keep showing up.

It’s discouraging and disheartening.

You hate how it feels when this happens, but you keep falling into the same emotional reactions and then feeling ashamed and regretful about the way you handled it.


Image of a woman laying her chin on her arm. Spiritual therapy in Las Vegas can help you embrace all parts of life. As a Las Vegas spiritual therapist I will help you address your triggers. Call today to learn more about spiritual counseling.

I know what it feels like to try so hard yet continue to fall short… over and over and over again.  It’s discouraging and can leave you feeling frustrated, sad, and hopeless.  You have high expectations for yourself and others and judge yourself for all the ways you fall short of “perfect love and patience”.  You feel disappointed with yourself whenever you get angry, resentful, petty, or jealous. 

Making mistakes hits you hard 

 You find yourself saying things like:

  • “Why am I letting this person or situation bother me so much?  I know better”

  • “Why do I keep getting triggered and reactive about the same things?  Ugg….”

  • “I should be farther along by now with all the work I’ve done on myself”.

  • “I thought I had healed that issue so why is it showing up again?”

You KNOW better but there’s a gap in being able to DO better.

You’re sick and tired of getting triggered and having the same emotional reactions happen over and over and over again.  

It’s time to get off this roller coaster once and for all with the help of a Las Vegas spiritual therapist



Spiritual Counseling at Stillpoint Therapy will teach you how to shift from control, avoidance, and resistance to curiosity and deep listening so that you can LEARN what your pain is trying to tell you. 

You’ll stop trying to “overcome” your triggers and reactions. Instead, you will learn how to LEAN INTO them and work WITH them.

Spiritual therapy will help you change the fundamental nature of your relationship with yourself by teaching you how to shift out of “self-war” mode and into a type of self-compassion that is effective at transforming you triggered reactions. 


I’ll show you how to get out of your head (with all of its concepts and ideas, theories and rules) and learn how to genuinely love all parts of yourself unconditionally. 

During spiritual therapy, you will let go of your well-intentioned (but ineffective) focus on “Being spiritual” aka “At Peace” all the time. This shift will allow you to be able to embrace the entire spectrum of the human experience, not just the parts that feel good.

You can’t judge yourself into feeling better, but you CAN love yourself into it.  


Spiritual Therapy, Counseling, or Coaching

Image of a woman standing next to a waterfall. I also offer spiritual therapy in Utah. As a spiritual therapist in Utah I can help you find guidance. Call today to learn more about spiritual counseling in Utah & Nevada.
  • They need help with a challenging relationship dynamic that they are not at peace with. A dynamic that isn’t getting solved with their current knowledge or spiritual practices such as yoga, meditation, prayer, etc…

  • They want to learn how to effectively handle difficult emotions such as anger, hurt, guilt, shame, resentment, and fear. So instead of wallowing, repressing, ignoring, or reacting to them, they can listen to them, learn from them, take what’s useful, ignore what’s not, and then respond to others and their presenting circumstances in a way that deeply aligns with who they are at the core

  • They need practical and effective guidance on how to set and enforce healthy boundaries with difficult or challenging people or life circumstances in their lives,


After working with many spiritual seekers over the years (and being one myself), I’ve come to identify where this unique type of person tends to get most stuck.  There are very specific and predictable patterns of habit, thought, emotion, belief, and behavior that are common to spiritually inclined women. Because of this, I am able to get right to the heart of what you need in spiritual counseling to help you make real changes in your life.

I’m not going to be teaching you a bunch of mindfulness practices, meditations, or mantras. You’ve been there and done that. Nor am I going to load you up with more tools and techniques, that mostly just serve as temporary band-aids and add more “to-do’s” to your plate.

My approach is part practical, part intuitive, and part knowledge based.

You’ll learn how to recognize what is noise and what isn’t, what is fluff and what isn’t, and what is true and what isn’t.  Then you’ll take that understanding and apply it to your life in ways that really move the needle forward in the direction of what you want.

During spiritual therapy, you will learn discernment; How and when to trust what your mind or your emotions are saying and when not to. 

You’ll develop a real and abiding peace and confidence as you learn how to go INTO the messy, difficult stuff within you and bring the light TO it rather than recoil from your less than “good” parts and try to stay superficially “up”, “happy” or “peaceful” all the time (that’s just avoidance).

Image of a woman sitting on a rock looking over a river. Are you searching for spiritual counseling in Las Vegas, NV? Then as a Las Vegas spiritual therapist I can help give you guidance. Learn discernment in spiritual therapy. Call today!

Ready To Get Support Integrating Your Spirituality  into the Nitty Gritty Challenges of Real Life? 

As a spiritual woman, it can seem impossible to live peacefully in this world when you are up against very real human needs and realities.  One of the benefits of being a Las Vegas Spiritual Therapist is that I understand the unique challenges you have and my combination of spiritual counseling, therapy, and coaching will help you develop a deeper foundational peace so that you can better withstand the storms of life.  While it can be intimidating to reach out, Stillpoint Therapy makes it easier with these three steps.
  1. Scheduling a free consult.

  2. Meet with me, a Spiritual therapist, and discuss what you need.

  3. Start getting the answers, help, and support you need.

Other Services At Stillpoint Therapy in Nevada & Utah

Besides therapy for spiritually inclined women, I also provide support for women with empty nest syndrome and relationship issues. Along with therapy for moms and single successful women. As well as life transitions, anxiety treatment, and stress relief. These services are offered online in Nevada and Utah or in-person at my Las Vegas-based location. As a certified life coach, I provide Enneagram coaching, coaching for the spiritual woman, and personal life coaching in Nevada, Utah, and worldwide! I look forward to hearing from you.