Trauma Therapy For Women in Las Vegas, NV & Utah

It’s Time to Take You're Life Back.

You've experienced some tough stuff in your life.  Stuff that’s left your body feeling on edge. But you’re a damn strong woman. You know how to smile, say “I’m fine”, and keep pushing on through. 

You’ve mastered staying ahead of things….staying in control.

But all this willpower has taken its toll on you. It’s been wearing you down.

You’ve been noticing your emotions leaking out. Fear, anger, guilt, sadness, anxiety, and self-doubt.  

You're tired of your past showing up in your day-to-day reactions and interactions. You want to stop walking on eggshells and living with fear.

You’re ready to be free of the pain that’s been your constant companion for as long as you can remember. It’s time to shed this heavy weight and reclaim your life.


I know it may be hard to believe, but you really CAN feel better and move forward. 
You CAN heal and live a rich and full life, free of the constant hypervigilance and control that’s been with you for so long.  
And it doesn’t have to take years of therapy or necessitate deep analysis of past pain to get there.  
Many of the clients at Stillpoint Therapy start feeling immense relief within weeks or months as they learn how to slow things down and work effectively with the emotions and reactions that have been unconsciously driving them. 


Trauma is an area where you really want to make sure you get an experienced and skilled professional that knows what they're doing. Otherwise, you can spend years in therapy, make very little progress, or even end up worse off if you’re re-living past pain over and over again in sessions doing talk therapy. 

As an experienced Las Vegas trauma therapist, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t and I’ve helped a lot of women heal, reclaim their confidence, power, and peace, and move forward with living the life they were meant to live.

With the right help, trauma therapy really DOES Work.  It’s not always an easy road, but if you’re ready and willing to be done with this pain I know I can guide you to reaching that goal.


  • You’re constantly taking the emotional temperature of everyone in the room.  It feels like you need to make sure everyone else is “ok” before you can relax and let go for yourself.

  • You’re a people pleaser.  A lot of people don’t really think of this as an indicator of unresolved trauma, but I can tell you after working with hundreds of people, that this is one of the most common ways unresolved trauma shows up.  When you don’t feel safe you try to steady the ark, so to speak, by making those around you happy and comfortable.  You tend to feel overly responsible for other people’s emotions. You over apologize even when you haven’t really done anything wrong because the truth is that it’s very scary for you to have people disagree, disapprove, or be disappointed in you. Other people being happy makes you feel safe and in control.

  • “SAFETY” is a huge theme for you.  You’re on the lookout for signs that a person or situation is “unsafe”.  Logically you might know that you're safe, but your body tells a different story.  You can go into a state of “fight, flight or freeze” suddenly, with seemingly small and insignificant comments or events.  

  • It’s difficult to trust people.

  • You get easily agitated, irritable, or impatient OR you shut down, check out, or become emotionally numb.


Image of a person holding the hands of a woman sitting on a couch. As a Las Vegas trauma therapist I help address PTSD symptoms in women. With trauma therapy, you can start feeling better & free. Call today to get started!

I believe good trauma therapy is a combination of learning to understand how the brain and body work coupled with effective experiential work such that you GET IT on all levels. A mental understanding is NOT enough. Trauma happens first at the body level, and then the emotional and mental levels and is therefore healed in the same order. It’s through contacting, engaging with, and integration at ALL of these levels that sustainable change and healing occur.   


In your work with me, as a Las Vegas Trauma Therapist, you’ll learn how to:



Instead of becoming overwhelmed by them (lashing out in anger or letting panic take over) or shutting down (dissociating, becoming numb, and apathetic), you’ll learn how to stay present with them and work through them. It’s incredibly powerful and liberating to be able to do this because this one skill, alone, will hugely increase your confidence, self-love, and self-trust.


The need for control arises when there’s fear. Fear served you well when you were a kid. It helped protect you when you were small, vulnerable, and reliant on adults for your survival. But now you’re an adult and that same fear that helped you back then is now limiting your life and keeping you stuck. Together we’ll dismantle the distorted beliefs and misunderstandings that developed from your trauma, and you’ll learn how to trust yourself, others, and life again.


Trauma unconsciously teaches the brain to associate “feeling good” with DANGER. So one of the coolest natural effects of good trauma therapy is that you begin to feel safe enough to let go and FEEL happy.

Ready to start Trauma Therapy in Las Vegas, NV?

At Stillpoint Therapy we want you to know that you don’t have to keep living with those trauma symptoms that weigh you down. As a Las Vegas trauma therapist, I can help you resolve the trauma and start living from a place of joy and calm. With trauma therapy, you will find your inner peace. To get started follow these steps:

  1. Contact me for a free consultation at Stillpoint Therapy.

  2. Have your first meeting with a trauma therapist.

  3. Start living life more freely!

Other Coaching & Therapy Services I Offer In Nevada & Utah

At Stillpoint Therapy, I offer several different options to support women as both a certified life coach and therapist. I understand that you are exhausted, over-giving- and overworked. That is why I offer anxiety therapy, therapy for moms, successful woman, and empty-nesters. I also provide individual therapy for relationship issues, spirituality, and life transitions. Additionally, I provide life coaching and enneagram coaching. All of these counseling services are available through online therapy throughout Nevada and Utah.

Image of a woman riding a bike next to a body of water. Could you benefit from emotional trauma therapy in Utah? As a trauma therapist, I can help you overcome the things that have been holding you back. Call today to start trauma therapy in Utah!
Image of a white mug that says “you are stronger than your scars”. If you are searching for a “trauma therapist near me” in Las Vegas I can help with trauma therapy. I understand that PTSD symptoms in women are not always what is expected. Call now!